Why Do Dogs Foam at the Mouth? 5 Reasons, Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions

Discover the reasons behind a dog’s foaming mouth and learn what you can do to prevent or treat the issue. Get expert advice from a dog blogger.

Why Do Dogs Foam at the Mouth?

Dogs foaming at the mouth can be a concerning sign for pet owners. This behavior can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from medical issues to environmental factors. Understanding the causes and symptoms of foaming at the mouth in dogs can help pet owners determine when to seek veterinary attention and how to prevent and manage this behavior.

In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why dogs foam at the mouth, what pet owners can look for, and what steps can be taken to prevent and manage this behavior. By providing pet owners with the information and resources they need, we hope to help ensure that their dogs remain happy and healthy.

Whether you’re a new dog owner or have been caring for a furry companion for years, this post will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to understand and manage foaming at the mouth in dogs. Below are five reasons to help answer our original questions on why do dogs foam at the mouth?

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Common Causes of Foaming at the Mouth in Dogs

Foaming at the mouth in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Dental Issues

Dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, and abscesses can cause dogs to foam at the mouth. This can occur when a dog is in pain and tries to relieve the discomfort by licking their gums or teeth.


Poisoning can also cause a dog to foam at the mouth. This can occur when a dog ingests toxic substances such as household cleaners, medications, or plants.


Overheating can cause heatstroke in dogs, which can cause foaming at the mouth. This occurs when a dog’s body temperature rises too high and they are unable to regulate it.


Dogs may foam at the mouth when they become extremely excited or over-stimulated. This can occur during playtime, when meeting new people or dogs, or when participating in high-excitement activities.


Rabies is a serious disease that can cause a dog to foam at the mouth. This virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal and can be fatal if left untreated.

It is important for pet owners to be aware of these common causes of foaming at the mouth in dogs so that they can recognize the signs and seek veterinary attention if necessary. Early detection and treatment can help improve the chances of a positive outcome for the pet.


Symptoms to Watch Out For

  • Foaming at the mouth: This is the most obvious symptom of a dog foaming at the mouth and can be accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Vomiting: If a dog is foaming at the mouth and also vomiting, this can indicate a more serious underlying issue.
  • Diarrhea: A dog that is foaming at the mouth and also experiencing diarrhea may have ingested something toxic.
  • Lethargy: A dog that is foaming at the mouth and also showing signs of lethargy, such as sleeping more or not being as active, may be experiencing a more serious issue.
  • Loss of appetite: If a dog is foaming at the mouth and also losing their appetite, this can indicate an underlying health issue.
  • Seizures: If a dog is foaming at the mouth and also experiencing seizures, this can indicate a serious underlying neurological issue.

It’s important for pet owners to be aware of these symptoms and seek veterinary attention if they suspect their dog may be experiencing any of them. A prompt diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of a positive outcome for the pet.

What Pet Owners Can Do

As a pet owner, there are steps that can be taken to help prevent and manage a dog’s foaming at the mouth:

why do dogs foam at the mouth

Regular check-ups with the veterinarian

Regular check-ups can help ensure that any underlying health issues are caught and treated early. During these check-ups, a veterinarian can also perform a thorough oral exam and provide advice on dental care.

Proper dental care

Regular dental cleanings and check-ups can help prevent dental issues that can lead to foaming at the mouth. This can include brushing a dog’s teeth, providing dental chews or toys, and scheduling regular professional cleanings.

Monitoring for toxic substances

Pet owners should be vigilant about what their dog ingests and keep toxic substances out of reach. This can include household cleaners, medications, plants, and other toxic substances.

Avoiding overheating

Providing plenty of water and shade on hot days can help prevent heatstroke, which can cause a dog to foam at the mouth. Pet owners should also avoid leaving their dog in a hot car and ensure that they have access to air conditioning on hot days.

Preventing excitement-related foaming

Preventing excessive exercise and providing mental stimulation can help prevent foaming at the mouth related to excitement. This can involve limiting playtime, providing puzzle toys, and training a dog to stay calm in high-excitement situations.

By following these steps, pet owners can help ensure their dog remains healthy and free from issues that can cause foaming at the mouth. It is also important to seek veterinary attention immediately if a pet owner suspects their dog may be experiencing any of the symptoms outlined in above. Early detection and treatment can improve the chances of a positive outcome for the pet.

Treatment Options

Treating a dog’s foaming at the mouth will depend on the underlying cause. Here are some common treatment options that a veterinarian may recommend:


If the underlying cause of a dog’s foaming at the mouth is a medical issue, such as an infection or neurological disorder, medication may be prescribed. This can include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticonvulsants, or other medications as needed. The type of medication will depend on the specific case and the underlying cause.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat an underlying health issue causing a dog to foam at the mouth. This could be required to remove a foreign object or to address a dental issue.

Dietary changes

If a digestive issue is causing a dog to foam at the mouth, a change in diet may be necessary. This may involve switching to a different type of food, adjusting portion sizes, or eliminating certain ingredients. A veterinarian can provide guidance on the best diet for a specific case.

Environmental changes

Making changes to a dog’s environment, such as providing more shade or mental stimulation, may help address the root cause of their foaming at the mouth. For example, if a dog is foaming at the mouth due to heatstroke, providing more water and shade on hot days can help prevent this from occurring in the future.

Lifestyle changes

Making changes to a dog’s lifestyle, such as reducing excitement or limiting exposure to toxic substances, may help prevent foaming at the mouth from occurring. This can involve limiting exercise, providing mental stimulation, or ensuring that toxic substances are kept out of reach.

It is important for pet owners to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible if their dog is foaming at the mouth. A prompt diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of a positive outcome for the pet. I hope that after reading this your original question on why do dogs foam at the mouth was answered and that you have a better understanding on the steps you should take to prevent or treat such a condition.

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